Historic roof renovation

Part of the charm of the architectural heritage derives from the wide diversity of roof coverings adorning historic and listed buildings. From cottages to stately homes, many older buildings feature details that would nowadays be deemed an architectural luxury.

St Magdalene church Wroclaw Poland with monk nun roof tile
© Wienerberger Ceramika Budowlana Sp.z o.o.

Clay - One of the most enduring and appealing materials

Roof tiles need to match perfectly in order to maintain the historical character.

Over the centuries, the use of roofing material has varied from place to place, with a diversity determined by local geography and material availability. One of the most enduring and appealing of these materials has been natural clay, which became desirable for its subtle appearance and weathering properties. Its popularity as a roof covering was enhanced by its unique ability to be pressed into a multitude of shapes and designs.

Over time, the shape and look of those buildings has altered and thus renovation as well as conservation became more important lately. Hence roof tiles need to match perfectly in order to maintain the historical character and integrity of the building. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right building material.

Corvin Castle restoration in Hunedoara, Romania
© Wienerberger Sisteme de Caramizi

Supporting the renovation process

wienerberger is a valuable partner for historic renovation

Renovation of listed buildings as well as restoration of buildings included in the UNESCO world heritage list require, besides the right building material, a high level of craftsmanship - not only during the renovation work itself, but also during the planning and production of the required products. So it is not surprising that there is a growing demand for highly trained craftsmen who understand the wide range of skills and methods used in renovation and conservation projects.

Companies such as wienerberger with its historic product portfolio are valuable partners when it comes to renovation as they provide assistance with customized solutions as well as guidance for the specification with several services throughout the different countries. Part of these customized solutions is the wienerberger service to produce custom-made clay roof tiles for a specific project and to collaborate with city architects on historical projects.  

Please find below our brands and their services for historic roof renovation projects:

  • Aléonard (France)
  • Casta Manufaktur (Switzerland)
  • Keymer (UK)
  • Koramic (Poland and several other countries)
  • Manufaktur (Germany)
  • Sandtoft (UK)
  • Tondach (Czech Republic and several other countries)

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